Do you wish you could get more things done each day?

Do you sometimes end your day feeling frustrated because many tasks are left undone?

Are you falling behind in your studies?

Would you like to start your day motivated and have a highly productive day?

In this blog I’ll share with you 2 Powerful Tips and 5 Key Habits to help you get motivated in the morning and have a highly productive day! These are helpful tips and strategies that I’ve learned and have used along the way in my career.

I’ve learned a long time ago that whatever I do, I need to do it well. “Whatever you do, do well” Ecclesiastes 9:10 (TLB). I believe this is not a drive towards perfectionism, but rather, a pursuit of excellence.

2 Power Tips to Increase Productivity

  1. Your productive day starts the night before with thoughtful planning

Take 5 minutes to plan for tomorrow and follow this 3-step process.

First, review your list of projects or activities you have for the following day. These activities may be in various areas such as work, school, and home. For example, you may be a busy mom with preschoolers and children to attend to. So, you have a full day ahead of you.

Second, prioritize your projects by making a to-do list. Ask yourself: What must be done tomorrow? Look at your deadlines. This helps you know must get done.

Third, set specific and realistic goals for the day. This involves making a to-do list with the items ranked in order of importance. Remember to “keep the main thing as the main thing.”  

A caveat here is that some people like to do this activity on a Sunday night and prepare for the whole week ahead. The point here is that you need to do what is realistic for you

     2. Your morning routine sets the tone for a productive day.

I believe that the biopsychosocial-spiritual model is helpful for setting up a healthy morning routine that creates motivation and energizes the body, mind, and soul. You may want to review my video and blog on the 7 areas of life to review the biopsychosocial model.


You may want to start your day with a healthy breakfast fruit smoothie.

You may want to engage in physical activity such as walking, jogging, or running. Of course, this will depend on your fitness level. Some people like to start with a work out. Certainly physical activity has many benefits.


It is important to start the day with a positive attitude. Being thankful is a great way to create a positive mindset. For instance, naming the things you are thankful for such as your family, house, health, job, etc. will lift up your mood.

Another practical way to start the day with a positive attitude is by reading a motivational or inspiring quote.

Then, you can reflect on it throughout the day.


Positive interactions will fuel your sense of well-being. Therefore, start your day with positive interactions with your family. If you are married, have a good conversation with your spouse. If you have children, talk to them and encourage them before they leave for school.

Even if you are single, you can interact with those around you positively such as your roommates or send encouraging texts to your friends.


Praying for the activities of the day also helps start the day well. For instance, a good way to start the day in by having a devotional. This means reading a verse or passage of the Bible and meditating on it.

This involves seeking to understand the message of the verse and making an application to a personal life.

5 Habits That Will Increase Your Productivity

I understand that some people have jobs where they do not have much control over their schedules. But, I still believe that these habits can be helpful to anyone.

Habit #1 Focus on the task at hand and avoid or minimize distractions

This means that you will concentrate on the job you are performing and will avoid things that may distract you such as checking on your social media. Do not attempt multitasking. Research shows that multitasking is counter-productive. 

The benefit of focusing on your task is that it helps you to be effective and detailed-oriented.

Habit #2 Use time management strategies

First, create a daily schedule. This may include using a calendar such as Outlook and have specific uninterrupted blocks for specific items on your to-do list.

Second, avoid time wasters such as reading unrelated materials, engaging in social media, talking to people, or checking emails.

When you manage your time well, the benefit is that you increase your efficiency.

Habit #3 Engage in self-care strategies

Self-care includes stress management strategies to mitigate stress. Some examples of basic self-care activities in the workplace include taking a few breaks along the day. For example, you may go for a brief walk and disconnect from work for a few moments. Additionally, avoid eating at your desk and working at the same time. Use your lunch time as a real break.

Brief self-care activities will refresh and clear your mind.

Habit #4 Declutter your work space

Whatever your workspace is, an office, a garage, or a store, keep it clean and organized. If you work using computers, organize your files. As a result, you will not waste time looking for items or files on your computer.

When your workspace is organized, it energizes you and boosts your confidence and sense of self-efficacy.

Habit #5 Celebrate your accomplishments

Even though many people may have a tendency to look at what is still left undone, I believe that it is important to celebrate the tasks that were completed that day. Go ahead and reward yourself with a treat. For example, this could be could be as simple as a cup of tea, watching your favorite show or sports, or going out with friends or your spouse.


This celebration and reward will reinforce the productive habits or behavior you implemented throughout the day.

In closing, when you implement these tips and habits, you can have a more productive day and experience personal and professional growth.

You can watch my video on how to have a productive day below.

Please share in the comments a tip or strategy that you use that makes you have a productive day.

Keep on growing!

Dr. Moitinho