At the end of each year, many people set New Year’s resolutions or goals. You may have heard that “fail to plan is plan to fail.” The top New Year’s resolutions are usually, 1) lose weight; 2) get organized; and 3) spend less and save more money. However, the question is “in what areas of life do you need to set goals to have a successful 2020?

Be intentional

You must be intentional in order to be successful in reaching goals. One way of doing this is by writing down your SMART goals. The prophet said, “Write the vision; make it plain” Habakkuk 2:2 (RSV). So, write down your vision and goals for the New Year and record what you want to achieve in 2020.

When you write your goals, include the “why” for each particular goal. By doing so, you will get motivated and will have a clear reason to work hard towards the goal. Therefore, go ahead and grab your note pad or whatever you use to write and be serious about your goals. Someone once said “goals that are not written are just wishes.”

A helpful way to think about your goals

Here are two ways to understand the various areas of our lives. First, counselors use a multidimensional approach called “biopsychosocial-spiritual.” This is a framework that helps them see clients from a holistic perspective. For example,

  • Biological – The focus is on the body and overall physical health and illnesses. Counselors also pay particular attention to the brain and neurobiology.                                   
  • Psychological – The focus is on mental processes including the mind, thinking, and emotions. 

Social – This area emphasizes interpersonal relationships such as romantic/intimate, family, and peers. Spiritual – The focus is on a person’s religious beliefs and spirituality. For instance, for Christians, the relationship with God is the focus of this area. Second, counselors also use the Wellness model. The Wellness model focuses on helping people make choices to promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. The National Wellness Institute promotes six dimensions of wellness: emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual. The emphasis is on developing a healthy lifestyle.   

Some experts divide the areas of life in 7, 8, or 9 categories. However, the most important factor is that these areas are interdependent. As a result, one area influences another or multiple areas. For example, if you are not feeling well physically, the lack of health will affect your mood and probably, your productivity in your professional life. Also, marital problems affect mood, and you may feel depressed when having unresolved conflicts. Additionally, marital problems may also affect other relationships and productivity at work. Let’s say that you are doing well physically, psychologically, and spiritually. As a result, you will probably be very productive and relate to others positively.

The 7 Areas of Life to Set Goals

Obviously, we cannot presume upon the future. Indeed, planning is essential for a successful life. I strongly believe that “careful planning puts you ahead in the long run” Prov. 21:5 (MSG). However, before you start setting goals in each area, it is essential that you take some time to reflect on your vision for life. 

Based on my understanding and experience with the biopsychosocial-spiritual approach and the Wellness model, I use these 7 areas when setting goals.

Let’s take a look at each area of life and see some examples of goals. You will do well if you state them as SMART goals.

  1. PHYSICAL (HEALTH) – Your fitness level
  • Get an annual medical exam.
  • Consult with a nutritionist to develop a healthy diet plan.
  • Be active – walk 10,000 – 12,000 steps daily.
  • Run a 5K by _____ (due date).
  • Sleep the amount recommended by The Sleep Foundation for your age: 7-9 hours a night for most adults. 
  1. PSYCHOLOGICAL – Your mind (thinking and feeling)
  • Develop a “growth mindset” and think positive daily. This goals involves replacing irrational, unrealistic, self-defeating thoughts with reality-based, and hope-inspiring thoughts. Christians can replace self-defeating thoughts with God’s truth.
  • Identify and express distressful feelings in a healthy way by journaling daily or weekly.
  • Develop a support network of at least 3 emotionally and spiritually mature people.
  • Invest in the life of at least two people in a tangible way.
  1. RELATIONAL – Your relationships (marriage, family, friends, co-workers)
  • Meet with a counselor to address unhealthy relationship patterns.
  • Learn effective communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Set up healthy boundaries in stressful relationships.
  • Disengage from technology in specific times a day to engage in face-to-face relationships.
  • Review your social media accounts to ensure that they look professional and provide encouragement to others.
  1. FINANCIAL – Your money
  • Set up a weekly or monthly budget
  • Save $ ______ by ______ (due date).
  • Invest $________ by _____ (due date).
  • Pay off $ _____ of debt by _____ (due date).
  • Give $ _____ to church, charity, help family & friends.
  • You may have a big goal such as buying a house, a car, starting a business or a new venture.
  1. PROFESSIONAL – Your career or vocation
  • Take a continuing education course.
  • Make a career plan (long-term and short-term goals).
  • Revise and update your resume.
  1. RECREATIONAL – Your Leisure and fun
  • Plan and take a vacation to _____ when ____. Be sure to do this without breaking the bank.
  • Have family games or family night activities once a week.
  • Engage in a hobby weekly or once a month.
  • Spend time with friends and play fun games once a month.

  1. SPIRITUAL – Your faith

According to the Pew Research Center, “Nine-in-ten Americans believe in a higher power.” Most Christians would probably say that they want to grow in their faith. Here are some goals for this area from a Christian perspective.

  • Engage in meaningful time of worship weekly. This is not simply attending church.
  • Pray and meditate on the Word of God daily.
  • Be actively involved in a Bible study group in a local church weekly.
  • Get involved in a specific ministry at your local church so you can serve and help others in a practical way.

A few steps to ensure success

In conclusion, here are a few steps to help you be successful in these areas.
1. Write your goals for the New Year in the format of SMART goals; 2. Develop a plan with short-term objectives and action steps for each goal; and 3. Get some accountability, including some trusted friends who can encourage you throughout the year.

I encourage you to share one of your goals for 2020 in the comment section.    

Watch my video on the 7 Areas of Life to Set Goals:  

Keep on growing!

Dr. Moitinho