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3 Tips to Connect Emotionally with Your Spouse

Connect emotionally with your spouse today. These 3 tips will help you connect emotionally with your spouse and transform your marriage. Intimacy means to know and to be known, and it is an emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual connection. Genesis 2:24 (NASB) states, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” This concept of one flesh refers to intimacy.

You can improve your emotional connection with your spouse today by implementing these three practical tips. Let’s get to the tips to help you connect emotionally with your spouse.

TIP 1 – Listen to Your Spouse with Empathy

Research shows that happily married couples behave like good friends. A characteristic of a good friendship is effective communication. Friends care for each other and listen to each other. So, to experience a deep emotional connection, you can start listening to your spouse with empathy. Use active listening because it helps create an emotional connection, and it is not listening with the intent to respond, solve a problem, or fix the other person.

When you listen attentively, you enter into your spouse’s world. You focus on what you hear such as stories, feelings, and thoughts. When your spouse shares with you, you listen and show empathy by reflecting your spouse’s feelings.

As you focus on your spouse’s feelings and emotions, you respond with a reflective statement such as “honey, it sounds like you are feeling disappointed” or “honey, you seem frustrated, tell me more.” When you listen carefully and empathize with your spouse, you show care and concern and create a meaningful emotional connection.

TIP 2 – Share your heart and mind with your spouse

To connect emotionally with your spouse, you need to share your heart and mind. Share your feelings and thoughts with your spouse. This type of sharing requires that you become vulnerable because true intimacy and emotional connection happen when you share without the fear of rejection.

For some people sharing feelings may be challenging. This is particularly true for people who were raised in homes where sharing feelings was seldom encouraged, or for those who experienced some emotional trauma, betrayal, or broken trust. So, it will take a lot of courage to share, but the reward can be a deep emotional connection.

TIP 3 – Show your love in meaningful and creative ways

Did you know that Agape Love is the highest type of love? It is not self-centered or self-focused. It is a love that focuses on the other person. You encourage, motivate, and connect with your spouse when you show this altruistic love.

You can show your love to your spouse in many creative ways. For example, you can start the day by asking yourself this question: What can I do today to show my love to my wife? Then, you think of creative ways to do it.

How about flowers? A surprise gift, chocolate, helping around the house, going to the movies, the park, or the beach together? The ideas are endless, right? You can come up with something that your spouse loves doing, and you can do it together. The result will be a powerful emotional connection.

When you use these tips, you are taking positive action to connect emotionally with your spouse!

Watch this video to learn more tips to help you connect emotionally with your spouse.