Spread the love

We believe you can make your spouse fall in love with you again! Do you sense that your spouse is falling out of love with you? Are you concerned that you and your spouse are drifting apart? Would you like to experience the same love and excitement you and your spouse experienced at the beginning of your marriage? 

You probably remember the first time you realized that you were in-love with your spouse. You may reminisce about how it felt to hold hands, to embrace, and to hear the sweet words, “I love you” for the first time. Perhaps now these moments may be only memories from a distant past as you sense that you have grown apart. However, deep inside, you want to rekindle the romance. 

It might be that the busyness of life, parenting challenges, and financial difficulties have invaded your marriage life and placed the nurturing of your relationship with your spouse at the bottom of your priority list. Although you may believe your feelings for your spouse have not changed, you may not be so sure about your spouse’s feelings toward you.

Realize that there are many ways to show love to your spouse.

Here are 3 power tips to help you make your spouse fall in love with you again. 

Be fun

Remember those times when you used to laugh together? Consider the things that make your spouse laugh and integrate them in your daily interaction with your spouse.

  • Does your spouse like to watch cats doing funny stuff? Watch some funny cat videos on YouTube together.
  • Is your spouse into comedies or action movies? Find a comedy or an action movie and invite your spouse to watch it with you. Also, be sure to surprise your spouse with some popcorn.
  • Does your spouse like going out? Schedule some fun activities that both of you enjoy and have a good time together without the kids.
  • Does your spouse like cooking? Try cooking some new recipes together.

Doing exciting activities with your spouse, will let your spouse see that you are still a fun person to be around. Be sure to appreciate and enjoy your spouse’s sense of humor. 

Be fun and do something fun together!

Be positive

People are feeling more stressed these days, according to the Stress in AmericaTM 2019 survey. It is very easy to become a negative person when you are stressed. Perhaps, you may have become more negative in your words and actions throughout the years.

  • Pay close attention to your words and use encouraging words to lift up your spouse’s spirit. Keep in mind that being around someone who is cranky and grumpy is no fun.
  • See the glass as half-full. If you tend to focus on the problems, you only see the glass as half-empty and this negative attitude can drain your spouse.
  • Acknowledge to your spouse that you have been negative in your words and actions and make an effort to be more positive.

We believe that when you are positive you will most likely attract your spouse like a magnet. As a result, you will make your spouse fall in love with you again. Who does not want to be around a positive person?

Focus on intimacy

All areas of marriage are important and interconnected. When one area is suffering, all areas tend to suffer. So, be aware of these four areas below and make an intentional effort to connect or reconnect with your spouse in all those areas as often and as much as possible. It is essential to have a clear understanding of intimacy.

Here are a few action steps for each of those areas. 

Heart – Emotional connection happens when you listen to your spouse with empathy. You create an opportunity for your spouse’s heart to connect to yours.

  • Listen to your spouse attentively (hear your spouse’s heart)

Mind – Intellectual connection happens when you respect your spouse’s ideas and opinions. You create an opportunity for your spouse’s mind to connect to yours.

  • Listen to your spouse respectfully (hear you spouse’s mind)

Soul –  Spiritual connection happens when you worship God, study the Bible, and pray together. You create an opportunity for your spouse’s soul to connect to yours as both of you connect to God and become soul mates.

  • Listen to your spouse prayerfully (hear your spouse’s soul)

Body – Physical connection happens when you agree to meet each other’s physical needs as husband and wife and enjoy a new level of physical intimacy. You create an opportunity for your spouse’s body to connect to yours, as you become one flesh.

  • Listen to your spouse considerately (hear your spouse’s needs)

Since emotional intimacy precedes physical intimacy, focus on connecting emotionally with your spouse.

“Many waters cannot quench the flame of love, neither can the floods drown it” Song of Songs 8:7 (TLB).

We encourage you to check out our YouTube video for more tips.

If your marriage is in a crisis, we recommend that you contact a marriage counselor who can help you deal with your marital conflicts.

Which power tip do you like best?