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The Coronavirus & Your Marriage: 7 Ways to Connect with Your Spouse During Social Distancing

Are you stuck at home? Wondering what you can do instead of simply watching TV? You can do several fun activities that will help you connect with your spouse even as you go through this crisis and stay home practicing social distancing. 

The coronavirus pandemic has affected our daily routine in ways we have never seen before. Even the simplest act of getting up early in the morning to go to work has been disrupted. In fact, many people are having to work from home, work fewer hours, or even not work at all.

As you practice caution and social distancing as instructed by the CDC, you and your spouse will be spending a lot more time together. Hopefully, you will not contract the virus and will not need to be isolated from each other.

Here are some great ideas that can help you connect with your spouse meaningfully as you wait for the coronavirus pandemic to pass.

TIP # 1 Do some yard work/gardening together

Gardening and yard work can be therapeutic for you and your spouse. It can not only help your mind relax, but it can also replenish your lungs with fresh air. Gardening and yard work can enhance your sense of teamwork and accomplishment, thus, contributing to your mental health.

Take advantage of the extra time you have together this spring season. You can start that organic vegetable garden or flower bed you and your spouse always wanted to have.   

TIP #2 Talk about topics unrelated to the Coronavirus

You and your spouse probably have noticed that many social media posts, texts, and news are saturated with not-so-pleasant information on the coronavirus pandemic. Although knowledge is power and awareness is important during times like these, sometimes it is okay to shift the focus of your conversations with your spouse to something other than the coronavirus.

Changing the topic can help you and your spouse take a mental break, keep a positive attitude, and develop a sense of hope and resilience as you practice social distancing. 

TIP #3 Work on a puzzle together with your spouse

When was the last time you worked on a puzzle with your spouse? Working on a puzzle can help you redirect your thoughts, activate your creativity, help you forget about time, and enhance your focus. Additionally, working on a puzzle with your spouse can give you both a sense of accomplishment, connectedness, excitement to see the puzzle take form and become a complete picture.

TIP #4 Get started on your spring cleaning together

Now that both of you are home and have some time to spare, it is much easier to decide what needs to be cleaned, discarded, fixed, or replaced in the house. Spring cleaning together will help you reminisce as you may look through old boxes of memorabilia, trinkets, and old pictures.

Reminiscing will remind you of what really matters in life to both of you. Plus, when the pandemic is over, you will have a very organized, pristine house and more time to enjoy the people and events you have been away from because of the pandemic.

TIP # 5 Plan and cook your meals together for the week

Cooking is often portrayed as a romantic activity in many TV shows and movies. Perhaps it is time to transform your small or big kitchen into a place where romance and fun can embrace during the time you are practicing social distancing. It does not take much but a little bit of creativity. So, use what you already have in your pantry and fridge.

Cooking together is a simple activity that will help you connect with your spouse, showcase your culinary skills, and practice your organizational skills together. You know the saying, “couples who cook together stay together!”  

TIP #6 FaceTime with family and friends together as a couple

Do you have family members who live outside the country, state, or city? Have you checked on them lately? FaceTiming members of the nuclear and extended family can help strengthen family connections and bust mental and emotional health.

When FaceTiming, you can provide encouragement and support to them and help minimize the stress they are experiencing during this pandemic. This activity will also help you as a couple to practice hospitality. So, take the time to encourage others and invite them into the virtual living room of your life to pray together online.

TIP #7 Connect with God Together

Intentionally investing in your spiritual wellbeing as a couple will strengthen your spiritual muscles. There are many spiritual disciplines you can practice with your spouse, such as prayer, worship, Bible study, Bible reading, sermon listening, among others.

These will help you stay focused on God’s promises and become more positive in your daily interactions. However, the spiritual disciplines cannot be seen as activities that you add a checkmark next to it.

These are transformational activities that allow God to comfort your heart and strengthen your soul to endure the challenges of life. Be sure to approach them wholeheartedly and by faith.  

For more encouraging and practical messages like these, check out our video:

Disclaimer: We want to let you know that our heart goes out to those of you who are sick and whose family members have been suffering from this virus. We encourage you to follow all the guidelines set by the CDC and the local and federal government.